About This Project
Hey Everyone!
My name is Kylie LeBlanc. I am your typical 30 year old wife and mother. I have a beautiful family that I take great pride in. My husband and I have four awesome kids between the two of us. Their ages ranging from 14 to 2. We have a blended family, yours mine and ours.
There is never a dull moment in this house. We own multiple businesses and that can keep my honey pretty tied up at times. So what do I do with all of my free time? I love to read, craft, workout, and spend time with my babies. I have always had a love for reading and writing having journaled since being a young girl. I find writing to be therapeutic. I have written poetry, songs, stories, etc.
I lost my mother to addiction at the young age of 36. I was only 19 years old, just had my first baby, and the oldest of 4 siblings. It was my job to be strong for everyone else. How do you process that? I have spent the last eleven years of my life trying to sort out the avalanche of emotions that came with her loss. You don’t just wake up one day and have an addict as a mother. Or do you? Every day I fight a battle that isn’t mine. I overthink things, try to connect all the dots, and figure this all out. There is a ripple effect that seems to follow addiction.
There are so many people affected by this disease and so many more affected by the infected themselves. When you love an addict, in whatever capacity, it’s like you are now in your own stage of recovery. Whether it is dealing with a loved one in an active addiction, a loss to addiction, or maybe you are the number one supporter for someone in recovery. Regardless the circumstance, addiction has touched and altered your life.
The Addicts Ripple is a virtual community for people needing support in dealing with the aftermath of addiction. This is your place to just let it all out. Everyone wants to feel like they relate to someone. Unless you have lived this life or suffered a loss of this magnitude you won’t understand it. There are so many people who have nobody. I hope that by sharing my journey and creating this network we all find peace and comfort knowing we are not alone.
You never know who you will help sharing your story and I look forward to this next chapter of growth and acceptance with you all.